Thursday, November 29, 2007

So they are saying that I have been tagged to do this Crazy 8's thing. So here you go if you did not read the 100 things about me then maybe some of this will be new...

8 Things I am Passionate About:
1- My lovely wife Nicole
2- Family
3- Friends (even though I am terrible about staying in-touch)
4- Gospel (sorry melissa I had to steal one)
5- Motorcycles
6- Getting into Law Enforcement
7- Sticking to my word (Brad you know about this one...NO SUGAR)
8- A clean garage

8 Things I want to do before I die:
1- Take a Honeymoon
2- Take Colie to my old mission
3- Weigh the same I did in High School (almost there)
4- Work in Law Enforcement
5- See my (future) children get married
6- Own some sort of "Bobber" style chopper
7- Run a Full Marathon (Possibly Seafair next year)
8- Serve a Mission with Nicole

8 Things I say Often
1- "Son of a ......." (still working on this one)
2- "On your Horse"
3- "It is the long skinny pedal on the right...PUSH IT" (I don't like slow drivers)
4- "Come on, Colie it is time for bed"
5- "Suck"
6- "Don't be a Douche Bag" (you wanted me to be honest right?)
7- " Squierrly" (said a number of different ways)
8- "I Love You"

8 Things I have learned this year:
1- Moving away from Washington and My Family is hard
2- I have a lot of expensive hobbies
3- 80's rock is all you can listen to when working on motorcycles
4- That there are 15tsps of sugar in a soda
5- Cryptosporidium is a good way to lose 15 pounds
6- I am not a resilient as I used to be
7- We have a lot of stuff and moving really sucks
8- 30 punds make a world of difference

People I tag to do Crazy 8's:
Chris W.
....Anyone else that reads this......

Thursday, May 24, 2007


1. I love my wife more than anyone or anything in the world.
2. I love being a husband.
3. I met my wife in a singles ward at ASU.
4. I served a mission in Peru, Washington & So. Cal.
5. I am a convert to the LDS Church.
6. Being hot is the worst thing - you can only take off so many layers of clothing to cool down.
7. I would watch movies all day, if I could.
8. I will eat anything.
9. I became lactose intolerant on my mission.
10. I have a brown mark in the iris of my right eye.
11. This is not why I have the nickname Brown.
12. My brother gave me the nickname and it has nothing to do with poo either.
13. I love photography, but suck at it.
14. I am cheap except when it is something I want.
15. Tapitio is my favorite condiment.
16. I love oysters.
17. I have the two most generous parents.
18. I am closest to my wife.
19. I enjoy reading, but always fall asleep.
20. I hate sleeping in anything other than shorts.
21. I love to ski, but haven't had the time or money to do it in years.
22. I am learning to water-ski, but feel like I am drowning every time I put the skis on.
23. I have been to 24 different countries.
24. Aside from Nicole my parents are my best friends.
25. I am kind of trendy, and my wife says I'm a good dresser.
26. If it wasn't for my wife, I'd be out of debt.
27. I almost always keep a cool head when in public but lose it in private.
28. I could probably have a six-pack if I didn’t like food so much.
29. I need to have the latest gadgets.
30. I lived in 2 different houses within a two mile radius when I was growing up.
31. I have an "eclectic" taste in music and movies.
32. I think I'm funny.
33. I could probably be a better member of the church.
34. My wife is my best friend.
35. I don't have that many other friends.
36. I don't buy CDs anymore - iTunes is the only way.
37. I have difficulties expressing what I'm feeling.
38. I feel like I have artistic tendencies, but am not very good at anything artistic.
39. I'm afraid of falling.
40. My hair started thinning when I was in high school.
41. Instead of denying it, I shave my head every week.
42. I never eat breakfast.
43. I have short legs (my family's curse) and a long torso.
44. I love Seattle, but like small towns.
45. I love the rain.
46. I am not very good at keeping in contact with old friends.
47. I don't care about politics.
48. I hate snakes.
49. I ate Guinea Pigs on my mission.
50. Turtles are one of my favorite animals (slow and easy going).
51. I know a little about a lot of things.
52. I hate California.
53. My favorite movie is Apocalypto.
54. My favorite books are Angels and Demons & Who in the hell is Wanda Fucca.
55. If it weren't for my wife, I could go days without having a real conversation.
56. I sleep on average 5-6 hours a night.
57. I used to try to impress girls with my taste in music and art.
58. I have forgotten how to speak Spanish.
59. If it weren't for my wife, I would eat out for every single meal (and would probably weigh 400 pounds).
60. The Atkin's Diet would be pure hell because I like bread - I just want a sandwich.
61. When I was a missionary in Peru I got ecoli and amebas.
62. I graduated college with a Bachelor's in Recreation Management and Tourism.
63. I would like to be a Police Officer.
64. I can and will talk to anybody about anything.
65. I am the black sheep of my family.
66. My grandma used to drive me to the end of our driveway (1/4 mile) and let me wait in the car with her instead of the snow.
67. I am not spoiled, I am very fortunate.
68. I was in a TV commercial with Wayne Gretzky.
69. I want to have a kid so I can have another best friend.
70. I think "crap bag" or "crap weasel" could be two of the funniest things I have ever heard.
71. I was proposed to in the Lima, Peru International Airport.
72. Becoming a father scares the crap out of me.
73. Because of being sick I have been scoped 3 times.
74. I grew up in a town of 6,000 people.
75. This was 8 miles from a town of 420,000 people.
76. I consider myself a hillbilly in many aspects.
77. I come from a family of crazy-deaf Italians & stubborn Germans.
78. I can remember conversations that are important, word for word.
79. I rarely use a map and always seem to find my way to where I need to be.
80. This drives my wife crazy.
81. I want kids more than I let my wife think.
82. I would love to ride a motorcycle everywhere.
83. I love WWII history.
84. Touring Auschwitz and Birkenau made me cry.
85. I love the sound of waterfalls.
86. I think the road to Hana and the Swiss Alps are the two most beautiful place I have been.
87. I played hockey for 15 years and would love to play again.
88. I have five large tattoos.
89. I worked at a retirement home for 4 years while in high school.
90. I can watch any sport and be entertained, but baseball bores the hell out of me.
91. I think mowing the lawn is therapeutic.
92. I am an avid disc golfer.
93. One of my biggest heroes is my Uncle Larry who has been fighting cancer for 6 years.
94. I love being in water especially the ocean.
95. I once had my hair cut like Brian Bosworth...I am sorry I was young.
96. I think that people don't laugh enough.
97. My favorite show growing up was Rocky and Bullwinkle.
98. I love odd bits of trivia and probably retain more useless info than most.
99. I am patriotic and get erked when people don't reverence the flag and national anthem.
100. It's hard to come up with 100 things.